Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Evening with SHY Gentlemen

Birthday Boi & myself

Last Friday I went to Sg Wang's GreenBox to celebrate Yew's birthday. The last time we met was like..... my birthday (last year!)? LMAO. Ok, we don't meet up just during birthdays. It's just that recently he's too busy being in love. lolx.

There were 8 of us. Yew's girlfriend and me were the only females and the rest were all males BUT THEN..... it's as though they have no............balls. LOLs. (Except Yew coz he was a good host) I don't bite and I seriously don't think I looked that bad. They did not talk to me AT ALL! And I freaking mean it! The most they went was two words- HI and BYE! Plus I think a few of them didn't even say hi, just smiled and nodded at me. That's it. Okay I know what you are thinking. If they don't talk to me, I can go talk to them right? I DID! I tried to speak to two of them, and the result was that 'I ask one question they reply one sentence' type. lol.

But at least later on at around 2am midnight, one of the guys MSN-ed me and asked me why I left so early. I jokingly said that it was bcoz he never talk to me and I felt I might as well leave early (which was not the reason). He then said sorry in a jokingly way too and promised me he will treat me ice-cream next time =p HEHE!

By the way, on my way to Sg Wang, I stopped by at McD's coz I saw the new toys range from Cartoon Networks! LOL and it's BLOSSOMS from PowerpuffGirls.

Blossom and the pressie that I managed to wrap in 3 minutes

That's Yew the Birthday Boy trying to screw Blossom and me trying to save her!

Me camwhoring with Icekey, Yew's girlfriend

It was a great pleasure of mine to meet up with them again after so long. Yew and Icekey tried so hard to entertain me (Thank you so much ^^). It must be me layan-ing my emo soul bcoz they all chose those sad sad love songs, forcing me to think back of those bad memories of mine.

Happy Birthday Yew! And Thanks once again for everything - inviting me and trying so hard to entertain me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woot woot.... LOL!!! Meow~